A falling world. Ruled by darkness and evil, Mother Earth made a supplication to the Gods to rid her of the malevolence. Lord Vishnu obliged, in form of his eighth avatar, a king who would be born to destroy the darkness - Krishna
The Kingdom of Mathura was then ruled by the embodiment of all evil - King Kamsa. He heard a disturbing prophecy that his nephew would bear his doom. So he made sure to kill every child that his sister Devaki bore. When her eighth child was born, Devaki smuggled him across the river to a cow herding couple, whose last child was taken back to the palace in Krishna’s place, to be killed. The child transcended to heaven, foretelling the doom of King Kamsa.
The young Krishna grew up to be the most loved among the cowherders. He had dark moonshine skin that took after his name, a name for frivolous antics, and a divine knack to enchant with the flute. All of the womenfolk were so beguiled with his music that they used to dance with him under the moonlight. One of them was his eternal love, Radha.
He rescued 16,100 women from a demon named Narakasura. When none of their families would accept them back, he married them to protect their honour. He had eight principal wives, known as “Ashtabharya” - Rukmini, Satyabhama, Jambavati, Nagnajiti, Kalindi, Mitravinda, Bhadra, Lakshmana, each of whom bore him 10 sons.
The fabled legend then returned to Mathura, where he eventually overthrew and killed the evil king Kamsa. After his destruction, Krishna led the Yadava clan to a new city called Dwaraka, which would see the rise of the Pandavas. Arjuna became his friend, for whom he would later drive the chariot, and in a moment of crisis and reflection during the war, bloomed a conversation of the essence of life, the eternal war between good and evil, the impermanence of matter, the permanence of the soul and the good, duties and responsibilities, the nature of true peace and bliss and the different types of yoga to reach this state of bliss and inner liberation. This discourse was called the Bhagavad Gita
Krishna’s conch, the Panchjanya, would send vibrations all over the world when blown. It was the war cry that symbolised the beginning and the end of war. After the Kurukshetra War, in which all of Gandhari’s sons were killed, he was cursed by their mother to perish alongside the Yadava Dynasty in 36 years. Knowing their demoralised ways, he calmly replied “Tathatsu” (so be it). From then, his one weak spot would be his heel, which years later, a mistaken hunter would shoot and fatally wound.